Elstree, a community housing project, contains over 50 newly built houses with community living facilities.
Jasmine Court is a brand-new collection of five apartments in the heart of Bexleyheath. Ideally situated within a very short stroll of Bexleyheath mainline railway station, where you can travel to London Bridge in only 25 minutes.
This well-designed and high specification development will provide a great range of homes. This includes a studio with partition, one bedroom property with its courtyard garden, 2 two-bedroom apartments and a luxury three-bedroom penthouse with a wrap-around balcony.
The fixtures and fittings are of the highest quality. Living rooms and hallways have laminated flooring, while bedrooms use creamy-coloured carpet and kitchens and bathrooms have tiling to the floors and walls.
These brand-new apartments are sure to be extremely popular, and rightly so! All apartments are open-plan and have been designed for easy living. These apartments are in a fantastic location and are of the highest quality.
Every one of these properties has been built with high-quality fixtures and fittings throughout and has a lift for those on the upper floors. These Bexleyheath apartments are only a short walk from a wide range of amenities, including a Waitrose supermarket, pubs and a selection of restaurants.
You also have quick and easy access to the M25, which means you can travel quickly to surrounding areas such as London.
Bexleyheath is one of London’s most affluent boroughs and one of the most popular places to buy a house in London. There are many reasons why so many people choose to live in Bexleyheath. These include its excellent transport links, great selection of schools and its thriving commercial centre.
Bexleyheath has excellent public transport links thanks to its mainline railway station. This is just a short walk from the development. You can travel quickly to London and the surrounding areas.
The area also has a thriving commercial centre with a section of high-street shops and a Waitrose supermarket. This means you can buy everything you need in one place.
Bexleyheath is located in Zone 5, so you can get to London in just 25 minutes. This station is on the East London Railway, with services to London Fenchurch Street in approximately 36 minutes. Jasmine Court is only moments from Bexleyheath mainline railway station and London Overground.
You can also get to London Blackfriars in approximately 49 minutes using the Southeastern service through the London Bridge. Jasmine Court is also very close to Dartford mainline railway station, which is on the London to the South Coast mainline. This is 40 minutes to London Bridge and 49 minutes to London Victoria.
Bexleyheath town centre has a wide selection of shops, including a large Morrisons supermarket and speciality shops within walking distance where you can find anything you need. There is a range of shopping facilities close by, including a Tesco Express store, post office, convenience store and pharmacy.
There are excellent transport links with the nearby Bexleyheath mainline railway station, where you can travel to London Bridge in only 25 minutes. Buses are within walking distance of the development and will take you straight to the London Gateway Retail Park. Jasmine Court is also situated close to Bexley Academy, where you can find excellent schools for your children.
There are a range of excellent parks and green spaces close to Jasmine Court, including St Silas’s Park, a popular place for football and cricket matches. You will also find numerous bars and restaurants close by, serving a range of cuisines, so there is something for everyone to enjoy.
Bexleyheath is growing as a residential area which is great news for anyone planning to relocate. There are various new developments in the process of being built. Bexleyheath also has a great range of shopping amenities, including the Bexleyheath Broadway shopping centre.You also have easy access to the A2 and M25 so you can travel quickly to surrounding areas such as London. Bexleyheath is also home to a selection of great restaurants and pubs, so you can enjoy going out for a meal or drinks at the weekend.
Bexleyheath is a great area to live if you are looking for a family-friendly neighbourhood where you can settle down and raise a family. It is also a great place to invest due to its growing residential market.
Jasmine Court has a modern and luxurious interior design with laminated flooring in the hallway and living rooms. Bedrooms have creamy-coloured carpet, and kitchens and bathrooms have tiling to the floors and walls. Jasmine Court also features energy efficient double glazed windows, gas central heating and an intruder alarm system, to name a few.
Elstree, a community housing project, contains over 50 newly built houses with community living facilities.
天际一号 天际一号是构成伦敦南部天际线的重要部分之一。该项目提供121间轻奢精装公寓套房,包含了从一室一厅到四卧公寓房的各式房型。底层设计有高品质的商用空间,可提供精致的餐厅及商超使用,便利社区生活。该项目是克罗伊登高层建筑中最亮眼的一座,在规划设计时,我们对项目的周边地带进行了修整与拓宽,为行人开辟了更宽阔的通行空间。 地理位置 天际一号位于距伦敦市中心最近的一个周边城市,位于首都市中心以南约22英里处。克罗伊登拥有着无与伦比的便利交通,从较近的东克罗伊登站前往伦敦市中心只需15分钟,即便是从较远的克罗伊登西站,也可以在30分钟内抵达首都中心。 楼盘详情 [gravityform id=”2″ title=”true”] 平面规划 [gravityform id=”3″ title=”true”] 立即咨询 [gravityform id=”1″ title=”true”] 设施服务 交通网络 公园绿地 博物馆 精致餐厅 咖啡餐吧 零售商超 教育资源 医疗供给 银行金融 购物中心 天际一号 克罗伊登(CROYDON),英国 注册咨询 关于天际一号 天际一号物业是位于伦敦南部天际线的重要力昂国际地标项目。共有121间精装公寓套房,有一居室到四居室公寓和天际景观住宅。底层设计有高品质的商用空间,可提供精致的餐厅及商超使用,打造便利社区生活。 项目概览 该项目是克罗伊登高层建筑中最亮眼的一座,在规划设计时,我们对项目的周边地带进行了修整与拓宽,为行人开辟了更宽阔的通行空间。 地理位置 天际一号位于距伦敦市中心最近的一个周边城市,位于首都市中心以南约22英里处。克罗伊登的交通非常便利,从较近的东克罗伊登站前往伦敦市中心只需15分钟,即便是从较远的克罗伊登西站,也可以在30分钟内抵达首都中心。 local amenities Commute Parks Museum Dining Cafe Retail Schools Hospitals Banks Shopping Centre 常见疑问…
Horizon One is a significant LEOS International landmark project in the south London skyline.
欧德公馆 欧德公馆位于卢顿市中心,曾是卢顿法院大楼。经力昂国际精心翻新和改造,现成为一栋综合多种地产类型的全新开发项目,提供97间现代化的住宅公寓和商业用房。 项目概览 该项目的设计灵感来自于纽约高级公寓,精巧的室内设计使空间得到了充分利用,每间公寓配备了宽敞的双人卧室、精装浴室以及智能厨房。欧德公馆最适合首次购房者,是年轻学生、白领、和小额投资者等人群的理想选择。 地理位置 毗邻国际都市伦敦的意义在于,这里能够享受伦敦辐射出的一切优势。生活在卢顿能够享受到极其便利的空中交通,希思罗机场、盖特威克机场、斯坦斯特德机场、伯明翰机场都不难抵达,还有位于当地的卢顿机场,这些机场提供来自前往全球大多数主要城市的直达航班。 楼盘详情 [gravityform id=”2″ title=”true”] 平面规划 [gravityform id=”3″ title=”true”] 立即咨询 [gravityform id=”1″ title=”true”] 设施服务 铁路交通 餐饮美食 咖啡餐吧 零售商超 银行金融 购物中心 教育资源 泊车空间 公园绿地 医疗供给 欧德公馆 卢顿(LUTON), 英国 注册咨询 德欧公馆 德欧公馆(The Old Courthouse)是卢顿市(Luton)中心城市重建项目的一部分,曾是卢顿法院大楼。经力昂国际精心翻新和改造,现成为一栋综合多种地产类型的全新开发项目,该项目由97套现代公寓和一系列高级卢顿商业单位组成。 项目概览 欧德公馆的设计灵感均来自纽约的时尚,精巧的室内设计使空间得到了充分利用,打造独立的生活空间,注重房间私密性,每间公寓配备了宽敞的双人卧室、精装浴室以及智能厨房。欧德公馆最适合首次购房者,是年轻学生、白领、和小额投资者等人群的理想选择。对于要求完美的买家来说,精选的德欧公馆是城市奢华的缩影。 地理位置 毗邻充满活力的国际都市伦敦。可利用铁路交通轻松到达首都和市区所有地点。卢顿拥有多样化的公寓组合,可为您带来多样化的生活方式。卢顿有希思罗机场(Heathrow Airport)、盖特威克机场(Gatwick Airport)、斯坦斯特德机场(Stansted Airport)、伯明翰机场(Birmingham Airport)和卢顿机场(Luton Airport)提供直达到全球各大城市的便利服务。 设施服务 • 铁路交通• 餐饮美食•…
Part of the urban redevelopment of Luton Town Centre, located in its heart sits The Old Courthouse.
棠乐雅苑 在北伦敦的绿意盎然之中为您呈现隽永别致的安居之所。棠乐雅苑项目由8栋宽敞舒适的半独立式、四卧别墅构成,分两列优雅的一字排开。 项目概览 棠乐雅苑位于戈德斯格林和汉普斯特德花园社区中,位置私密,大隐于世。传统的北伦敦富人区隐藏于Finchley 路上星罗 棋布的店铺和咖啡馆后面,起伏 有致的林荫道分布着椴树、桦树和七叶树,充满令人安心的草木苍翠。漫步于伦敦北部邮编为NW11的街区,总是不经意间被几栋建筑吸引而驻足。那些瓦片铺就的坡状屋顶、三角形的山墙、突出的檐口和别致的窗台,留存着爱德华时代的经典建筑风格。 位置交通 从棠乐雅苑别墅出发,可以轻松抵达想去的任何地方。步行10-12分钟,即可抵达戈德斯格林(Golders Green)地铁站。从这里,可以乘坐伦敦地铁北线(Northern Line),在短短25分钟内抵达伦敦西区、市内亦或是其他城市。如果您需要出国商旅,交通方案也十分多元。您可以从戈德斯格林站(Golders Green)外乘坐国内快线(National Express),前往伦敦卢顿机场(London Luton Airport)和斯坦斯特德机场(London Stansted Airport)。另外,14分钟内,可以抵达国王十字站(King’s Cross Station),继而换乘前往希思罗机场(Heathrow Airport)或盖特威克机场(Gatwick Airport)的列车,也可以乘坐欧洲之星(Eurostar)班列到达目的城市。 楼盘详情 [gravityform id=”2″ title=”true”] 平面规划 [gravityform id=”3″ title=”true”] 立即咨询 [gravityform id=”1″ title=”true”] 设施服务 交通网络 精致餐厅 咖啡餐吧 零售商超 银行金融 购物中心 教育资源 博物馆 公园 网球场 常见疑问 关于棠乐雅苑的常见疑问 棠乐雅苑地理位置在哪里? 棠乐雅苑坐落于伦敦巴内特区,位于伦敦地区的西北角,距离查林克罗斯以北约4英里(6公里),南部与戈尔德格林接壤,西部与亨顿接壤,东部与芬奇利接壤。 棠乐雅苑适合家庭居住吗? 是的,棠乐雅苑是一个适合家庭居住的好地方。该地区提供多个公园、操场和绿地供儿童探索。此外,该地区有一系列的小学、托儿所和良好的交通连接,使人们出行方便。…
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